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19 th JOINT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMISTRY Empowering Sustainability: Harnessing Chemistry to Shape an Eco-Friendly World Across All Aspects of Life UNS Tower, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia 5 September 2024 CONTACT PERSON 1. Dr. Edi Pramono, M.Si e-mail: CP: +6285860848699 2. Dina Fitriana, M.Sc. Email: CP: +6281289243776 ORGANIZER Department of Chemistry, Sebelas Maret University Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Kentingan Jebres Surakarta 57126 Phone/fax : +62271663375 Email : Website : COMMITTEE Chemistry Department of Sebelas Maret University Chemistry Department of Diponegoro University Chemistry Department of Semarang State University Chemistry Department of Jenderal Soedirman University Chemistry Department of Satya Wacana University Chemistry Department of UIN, Semarang Chemistry Department of UNISMA, Semarang ? BACKGROUND The International Joint Conference on Chemistry is an annual event organized by the collaborative efforts of the Chemistry Departments from five prestigious universities in Central Java, Indonesia: Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED), Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW), and UIN Semarang. Established in 2006, this joint conference initially served as a local seminar platform to facilitate the exchange of research findings among chemistry faculty members and researchers from the participating universities. Since 2014, the conference has expanded its scope to become an international forum, welcoming participants from around the globe. All submissions for oral and poster presentations, as well as conference publications, undergo rigorous peer review and evaluation. Criteria for selection include originality, technical and research content, accuracy, relevance to the conference theme, contribution to the field, and readability. Join us as we advance the frontiers of chemistry and foster global collaboration in shaping a sustainable future for all aspects of life. OBJECTIVES 1. Facilitate the exchange of innovative research ideas in the field of chemistry to advance science and technology development both regionally and internationally. 2. Foster annual gatherings of key stakeholders from regional universities' chemistry departments to engage in dialogue with international chemists, focusing on current policies in chemistry education aligned with the demands of globalization. 3. Cultivate networking opportunities between chemists and industry professionals in the regional area to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing for mutual growth and development. THE SCOPE OF CONFERENCE AND PARTICIPANTS The 19th Joint Conference on Chemistry 2024 has evolved to a major global chemistry related disciplinary event, attracting participants from all over the world. The conference will discuss all the major areas of chemistry, including inorganic, physical, organic, analytical and biochemistry through which we can address the fundamental and related questions of sustainable development. The conference will cover general research and education in chemistry. Topic of interest to be covered in the conference includes, but not limited to: • Electrochemistry • Polymer Chemistry • Materials Chemistry • Nanomaterials • Medicinal Chemistry • Pharmaceutical Chemistry • Green Chemistry • Computational Chemistry • Chemistry of Natural Products • Surface Chemistry and Interfaces • Educational Chemistry SPEAKERS The speakers of plenary lectures are: 1. Prof. Claudio Tiribelli (Italia University, Italia) 2. Prof. Tetsu Yonezawa (Hokkaido University, Japan) 3. Prof. Dr. Santiago Ruis Gomes (Juan Rey University, Spain) 4. Prof. Dr. Eddy Heraldy (Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia) 5. Dr. Herry Khairudin (Pertamina, Indonesia) 6. Assoc. Prof. Zuhair Jamain (Universiti Sabah Malaysia, Malaysia)

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