Description (Deskripsi)

International Workshop Engineering Education: Student Center Learning – Active Learning and Classroom Assessment, • Student-Centered Learning (SCL) Part 1: Active Learning, Revision : Monday - Wednesday, July 26-28, 2021 • Classroom Assessment Tuesday - Thursday, August 24-26, 2021. Synopsis This workshop is specifically designed for academics to design and implement an effective 21st Century learning environment using various simple techniques in a systematic and scholarly approach to engage and support students in learning to develop the required skills and attitudes. Grounded on practical and easy to understand educational principles of informal cooperative learning, these activities serve as examples that will allow participants to modify and design new activities suited for their own classroom implementations and settings. Participants will also be introduced to the possibility of expanding innovative teaching and learning innovations into scholarly pursuits that can lead to research and publication to promote knowledge and inspire others. The knowledge imparted in this workshop is crucial for supporting students in attaining more complex skills, such as life-long learning and problem solving, that are crucial for survival in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Learning outcomes By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: • explain the needs to shift to student-centred learning methods in classrooms • explain informal cooperative learning techniques for engaging learners that can be used in classrooms • describe effective learning environments based on the How People Learn (HPL) framework • plan an aligned learning environment to support students learning using Constructive Alignment (CA) Instructur: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syed Ahmad Helmi Syed Hassan is an Associate Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof is the founding Director of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Centre for Engineering Education and is the President for the Society of Engineering Education Malaysia. CP. Pratiwi Anjar Sari, S.T., M.Sc. (082110170070) PENTING. Petunjuk pemesanan Paket Via : Buka laman ~> login ~> klik Home ~> klik Nama produk ~> klik Lihat Detail ~> klik Pilih Paket ~> klik Order ~> klik Jumlah Paket ~> klik Next Step ~>Klik Chekout ~> Otomatis INVOICE / Nomor VA akan tampil di layar. Terima kasih

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